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(no subject)

Кризис заставил мигрантов уезжать из Европы
Кризис заставил мигрантов уезжать из Европы

Впервые за долгое время поток мигрантов в страны Европы снизился. Виновником этого стал экономический кризис, из-за которого огромное количество приезжающих на заработки гастарбайтеров не могут найти работу. Об этом говорится в докладе Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), посвященном проблеме миграции.

Кроме того, в некоторых странах, таких как Великобритания, Ирландия и Испания наблюдается отток гастарбайтеров.... В Австралии спрос на труд мигрантов упал на 25%.Читать далее >

РБК. Общество

Это они о чем?
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Illegal immigrants who overstay visas will no longer be put in detention camps,27574,25424350-421,00.html

Illegal immigrants who overstay visas will no longer be put in detention camps

ILLEGAL immigrants will no longer be locked up and deported when caught by authorities, in a major softening of immigration procedures.

Instead, people who overstay their visas will be invited into an immigration office and could even get temporary bridging visas.

Immigration officers have been instructed not to detain visa violators unless they are known to be violent criminals or have previously been instructed to leave.

Until last week, illegal foreigners were immediately detained at detention centres and put on planes home within weeks.

The new approach is in line with a general softening of immigration policy by the Rudd Government.

Under the policy, officers are required to issue illegal foreigners with bridging visas and work with them to get them home.

"We basically have to invite them into the office for a coffee," an insider within the department said.

"They can get a couple of weeks or six months, whatever it takes to get them home without detaining them."

Mandatory detention was axed last year, but until now only asylum seekers have been allowed to live in the community.

The new directive from Immigration Minister Chris Evans' office was issued to immigration officers verbally last week.

There are almost 50,000 visa overstayers living illegally in Australia.

More than one in 10 is from China.

Entrants from the US, Malaysia and Britain are also big overstayers.

Most come in on tourist visas, but about 3600 are foreign students who disappear into the community when their course is over.

The Government has also closed down offshore processing facilities on Nauru and Manus Island.

Senator Evans' directive has divided opinion within department ranks, with some fearing the softer approach could send a dangerous message.

"I guess it says people can pretty much do whatever they want now," the insider said.

"They've been caught, but they can stay and go home when they want."

The move could open the floodgates for unwelcome visitors.

"It certainly could be open for exploitation," the insider said. "Prisons are not nice places to be in. Many of these people are not criminals, but I guess it doesn't convey a strong message."

Senator Evans said detention would only be used as a last resort.

"The presumption will be that persons will remain in the community while their immigration status is resolved," he said.

"If a person is complying with immigration processes and is not a risk to the community, then detention in a detention centre cannot be justified.

"The department will have to justify a decision to detain - not presume detention."
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Original 'Schindler's List' found in Sydney

April 6, 2009 - 9:44PM
A list of Jews saved by Oskar Schindler that inspired the novel and Oscar-winning film "Schindler's List" has been found in a Sydney library, its co-curator said.

Workers at the New South Wales State Library found the list, containing the names of 801 Jews saved from the Holocaust by the businessman, as they sifted through boxes of Australian author Thomas Keneally's manuscript material.

The 13-page document, a yellowed and fragile carbon typescript copy of the original, was found between research notes and German newspaper clippings in one of the boxes, library co-curator Olwen Pryke said.

Pryke described the 13-page list as "one of the most powerful documents of the 20th Century" and was stunned to find it in the library's collection.

"This list was hurriedly typed on April 18, 1945, in the closing days of WWII, and it saved 801 men from the gas chambers," she said.

"It?s an incredibly moving piece of history."

She said the library had no idea the list was among six boxes of material acquired in 1996 relating to Keneally's Booker Prize-winning novel, originally published as "Schindler's Ark".

The 1982 novel told the story of how the roguish Schindler discovered his conscience and risked his life to save more than 1,000 Jews from the Nazis.

Hollywood director Steven Spielberg turned it into a film in 1993 starring Liam Neeson as Schindler and Ralph Fiennes as the head of an SS-run camp.

Pryke said that, although the novel and film implied there was a single, definitive list, Schindler actually compiled a number of them as he persuaded Nazi bureaucrats not to send his workers to the death camps.

She said the document found by the library was given to Keneally in 1980 by Leopold Pfefferberg -- named on the list as Jewish worker number 173 -- when he was persuading the novelist to write Schindler's story.

As such, it was the list that inspired Keneally to tell the world about Schindler's heroics, she said.

Pryke said she had no idea how much the list was worth.

Schindler, born in a German-speaking part of Austria-Hungary in 1908, began the war as a card-carrying Nazi who used his connections to gain control of a factory in Krakow, Poland, shortly after Hitler invaded the country.

He used Jewish labour in the factory but, as the war progressed, he became appalled at the conduct of the Nazis.

Using bribery and charm, he persuaded officials that his workers were vital to the war effort and should not be sent to the death camps.

Schindler died relatively unknown in 1974, but he gained public recognition following Keneally's book and Spielberg's film.
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(no subject)

Надо бризбенских невест туда заслать. Всю роту. И настанет капец мировому кризису.

Между тем ранее сообщалось о еще более грандиозной акции против мирового кризиса, которая запланирована на март в Австралии. На одном из местных курортов в течение всего месяца будут проходить антикризисные сексуальные оргии, участникам которых, по заверению организаторов, "будет дозволено все".
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Незадача приключилась,28318,25175545-5014090,00.html

Похоже пролетит девка - проституция в Queensland по закону запрещена. Да и конкуренция среди russian brides там огромная.


Таки пролетела девка.,28318,25212561-5014090,00.html

Никто не поделится секретным линком на таинственное видео?
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Удивительное рядом

Наткнулся на дивное

По численности иностранных студентов Россия пока еще на восьмом месте в мире

По данным ЮНЕСКО, в настоящее время образовательные услуги иностранным гражданам предоставляют 129 государств мира. Россия занимает 8 место по численности обучающихся иностранных граждан после США (586 тысяч человек), Великобритании (233), Германии (200), Франции (160), Австралии (157), Испании (124) и Канады (100 тысяч человек). В настоящее время в вузах Российской Федерации обучается около 90 тысяч иностранных граждан, в том числе около 70 тысяч на контрактной основе и свыше 30 тысяч за счет федерального бюджета.

Заинтересовался цифрой 157 напротив Австралии. Как и следовало ожидать, цифра сомнительна.

1994 - 102,153
1995 - 122,306
1996 - 147,789
1997 - 154,728
1998 - 151,444
1999 - 162,865
2000 - 188,277
2001 - 233,408
2002 - 273,801
2003 - 304,801
2004 - 322,776
2005 - 344,815
2006 - 383,818
2007 - 455,185

Зачем врут?

PS Особенно интересна последняя строчка. В сравнении с рожденными в 2007

There were 285,200 births registered in Australia in 2007, the highest number ever according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The previous record was in 1971, when there were 276,400 births registered.
  • iq_1

Российская пресса продолжает радовать предсказуемостью.

Штраф за детей
Бизнес газета РБКdaily

Штраф за детей

Предлагают брать австралийские ученые
Сразу два австралийских медика предложили законодательно ограничить рождаемость в стране. По словам профессора Барри Уолтерса и доктора Гарри Эггера, именно появляющиеся на свет дети наносят самый серьезный ущерб окружающей среде и провоцируют климатические изменения. Поэтому, заключают Уолтерс и Эггер, правительство Австралии должно отменить... Читать далее >

Особенно порадовало заключение: Инициатива австралийских медиков в очередной раз демонстрирует степень вырождения современной западной цивилизации, нормой для которой уже давно являются пороки вроде гомосексуализма и наркомании, а вот рождение детей постепенно превращается в преступление.